Orderly or Disorderly

Orderly or Disorderly

Orderly or Disorderly

Director: Abbas Kiarostami

Country: Iran

Year: 1981

Runtime: 17 minutes

Color / Mono

This film's first shot shows students descending a staircase in a calm, orderly fashion. Its second portrays the same action as a chaotic rush. Separated by slates and Kiarostami's voice intoning, “sound, camera,” subsequent sequences describe the same dichotomous behavior in a schoolyard, on a school bus, and in the haphazard traffic of Tehran. Kiarostami described this as “a truly educational film,” but it plays more like a quirky philosophic aside.

Orderly or Disorderly
Orderly or Disorderly
Orderly or Disorderly
Orderly or Disorderly

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